Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dominic's eyes are changing colors

Dominic's eyes are changing colors!
I was convinced that Dominic would keep his blue eyes as he had blue eyes from birth until his 3rd birthday. At first they were so dark deep blue, just incredible blue. Then they slowly got lighter in color. Well, so far that's also true for Juliana's eyes.

A few days ago, Dominic was asking what eye color he has. I told him 'blue'. They were always blue. It sounded like somebody told him differently, as he asked me if they were not green. He was happy to hear me telling him he has blue eyes, like he alwas did.
Well, then I took a closer look .... and his eyes are actually GREY with some areas turning slightly GREEN! Green, just like his Daddy's eyes!
I can't believe it! My son is 3 years old and his eye color has just changed!!!

I have to admit, I am a bit sad as I thought even though Dominic looks more like his Daddy than me, at least he inherited my blue eyes. Not anymore...

Unfortunately, Dominic really wants to have BLUE eyes. When I told him a day ago that they seem to be changing colors, he got upset. Mmh. I'll drop that subject for a while. Hope, he won't ask again.

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