Silvester - 31.12.2007
Silvester zu Hause. Zwar sind wir alle eingeladen zu einer Happy New Year Party, aber wie macht man das mit einem suessen Kleinen, der derzeit Schlafprobleme hat und die Grossen gluecklich sind, wenn der Kleine endlich schlaeft (vor allem tagsueber...)?!
New Year, 1.1.2008
Nowadays, Dominic goes most of the time to sleep at night easily by himself. We have the same routine every evening: Dinner, diaper change with music from his mobile above the changing pad, then putting his PJs and the sleeping bag on, accompanied by a lullaby CD, then I take him on my lap in the rocking chair, he gets his Zantac (Dominic is really excited about the Zantac now! He just loves to take it - especially to play with the oral syringe when we are done... Thinking back how difficult it was in the beginning to get him to take the Zantac! We are down to only one milliliter and his Doc, Dr. McGehee, a really nice person - who I met twice this week somewhere in Ruston ;) - wants to quit it when we are finished with this very last bottle. I think that is fine, Dominic seems to be doing alright with that small dosage.) and then I nurse Dominic. Actually, the last two evenings he did not want to nurse which was quite unusual - but okay as he nursed right before dinner. So, there wouldn't have been a lot left anyway. ;) Well, on the rocking chair with only very slight movement Dominic gets very sleepy and then we call his Daddy. Klaus takes him, we give him a kiss or two and put him in his crib. Sometimes he turns around and plays with his bear or doggy in his bed and sometimes he just looks at us, smiles when we sing him two verses of the German 'Lullaby and Good Night'. At last we tell him how much we love him, wish him Good Night and leave the room. If it is a perfect evening, like tonight, we don't hear a beep from his room after leaving. Sometimes he complains when we leave the room and goes on like that for a few minutes. He hardly cries anymore before going to sleep - so glad about that! :) So, usually he sleeps by 7 pm, sometimes by 7:30 pm.
And the best is: Last night was the perfect night! Dominic slept through until 6:15 am!!! We were so grateful, especially as we didn't go to bed as early last night as we should have ... after all it was New Years Eve! It was the perfect start of the New Year! :) :) :)
Dominic usually wakes (woke?) up once a night for nursing, sometime between 2:30 am and 5:00 am. It wasn't a problem at all to get him back to sleep if he woke up at 4 am at the latest. But after that it is so hard to get him to sleep - he just wants to get up then. Way too early for his parents!!! Next problem: The last few days he always woke up wet ... the diaper couldn't hold all the fluid. So, after 5:50 there wasn't a chance for us to sleep anymore (or at least for one of us...). The last few days I noticed that Dominic wasn't that eager to nurse when he woke up. Usually he was really hungry but for at least three nights I had the impression that he drank a little and then was just happy to be rocked to sleep again. One night I even had to convince him to nurse instead of sucking on my finger! That's why I thought it might be time to night wean our little boy - and the simple thought of getting a whole nights sleep ... oh my gosh, how sweet! After all, Dominic is almost nine months old and most books say, babies don't need a night nursing at this age anymore. And ... Klaus didn't have to go to work between Christmas and New Year, so it is the perfect timing for a change with the help of my husband!
So, one night Klaus got up instead of me and tried to console Dominic. First, he did sit him up in the bed and tried to calm him down, without success. Then he sat in the rocking chair with Dominic on his lap. Just simple sucking wasn't enough for Dominic, but a bottle of water did the trick! Dominic calmed down and finally fell asleep while drinking. :) The next two nights were the same, more or less. The second night with Klaus getting up was actually the worst as Dominic woke up around 5 am ... and Klaus wasn't able to get him to fall asleep and put him back in the crib until around 5:45 am. Dominic slept there for about 10 minutes, then started crying again. Well, at 6 am I got him and was happy to nurse him - after such a long time without nursing my breasts felt more then full!
The fourth night that I wasn't getting up was last night - Dominic sleeping through from 7:30 pm until 6:15 am. That was just awesome!!! Hope, he'll do the same this night!
So, the nights are fine ... but don't ask about his naps! Since he is able to get around with crawling a short distance and then creeping, he doesn't want to take his naps anymore. :( I think it started Friday before Christmas, so, December 21. We had such a nice routine. He would go to sleep around 10 am for his first nap and then later around 1 pm or maybe 2 pm for his second nap. I was just rocking him and singing the lullaby and then put him sleepy but awake in his crib. He would then fall asleep on his own, sometime just like that and sometime after complaining for a few minutes. But that doesn't work anymore. :( Since that Friday he simply sits up or pulls himself up in the crib and then stands up holding on to the railing and refuses to sleep if you would put him awake in his crib. And he doesn't decline sleeping quietly... Since then, either he doesn't nap or we try to get him to sleep in our arms and then put him in his bed - but then he wakes up half of the time... it is really exhausting. I hope that's gonna change soon again!!!
Dominic and I are flying to Germany on the 10th of January! It's an early BDay present from my Mom. :) I still can't believe we are leaving in just 1.5 weeks. I am so much looking forward to seeing my family and friends! Unfortunately, Klaus can't come with us ... the quarter system is terrible, it doesn't give him a long enough break between quarters to leave the country other than during the summer - and then the flights are too expensive to go home.
Frohe Weihnachten! :)
Weihnachten - und soviel passiert an diesen schoenen Feiertagen!
Es ist wirklich ein Wendepunkt in Dominic's Entwicklung. :)
Er krabbelt kurze Strecken! - Der Rest wird gerobbt, sicher ist nichts mehr in unserem Heim. ;) Er sieht etwas, will hin und ehe man sich versieht, ist Dominic auch dort!
Dominic zieht sich selbstaendig aus dem Sitzen hoch, an dem Gitter seines Bettchens, an seinen 'Baby Gym Walls', aber am liebsten natuerlich an seinen Eltern.
Dominic kann sich nun auch aus der Rueckenlage aufsetzen! Er macht es genauso wie wir Grossen; strengt die Bauchmuskeln an, beugt sich zur Seite und stuetzt sich mit einem Arm ab bis er richtig schoen sitzt. :)
Und nun endlich, nach wochenlangem, fast schon monatelangem Training, macht Dominic seine ersten Gebaerdensprache-Zeichen (Babyzeichensprache oder Baby Signs). Es ist so aufregend fuer uns! Seitdem unser Kleiner 7 Monate alt ist, zeigen wir ihm regelmaessig eine Auswahl von Zeichen: Mit Milch haben wir angefangen, dann kam Essen, Wasser, Mommy, Daddy dazu und noch ein paar weniger wichtige, aber um so mehr spassige Zeichen wie Ente, Licht und Ventilator. Dass er das Zeichen fuer Milch versteht, war schon seit einiger Zeit offensichtlich. Und wenn man Ventilator sagt, dann schaut er auch an die Decke zum Ventilator hin. Der Durchbruch kam gestern, am 24.: Dominic machte das Milchzeichen und auch das Zeichen fuer Ventilator. Ach, der macht ihm ja soviel Spass!
Da Dominic zweisprachig aufwachsen wird, dauert es wahrscheinlich ein bisschen laenger bis er zu sprechen anfangen wird. Wenn er dann aber mal spricht, wahrscheinlich erst mit zwei Jahren, wird er beide Sprachen sprechen. Bis dahin kann er uns mit der Zeichensprache mitteilen, welche Beduerfnisse er hat, mit was er spielen moechte oder ganz einfach, dass er einen Vogel auf dem Baum sitzen sieht und das ganz aufregend findet. :) Es heisst, dass die Kinder, die mit der Zeichensprache kommunizieren koennen, ein gemaessigteres Temperament im Trotzalter haben. Ist ja auch klar ... mit zwei oder drei Jahren kann man sich sprachlich nicht sehr gewandt ausdruecken, da hilft es, wenn man andere Kommunikationswege hat!
November 29, 2007
Dominic is taking a nap in his car seat and we just got home ... I am so glad to have a laptop and to be able to write a little up-date now! :) We just came back from the day care and it is so interesting to see that all three little ones there who were born in April are at different stages: Ella, who is a tiny, cute little girl, was already able to sit up well on her own when she was only 4 months old. A few weeks ago she was working on crawling, means she came forward with her upper body from sitting and was able to be for a little while on hands and knees. Since Thanksgiving she is crawling! Jackson wasn't able to sit without support until recently. Also, since Thanksgiving he sits excellently - but he is far from crawling or standing.
Well, and Dominic is getting closer to crawling day by day. Yesterday Dominic was on his hands and knees for over one minute before his bottom or shoulders touched the floor. That is quite some progress! Oh, I am so excited for... well, Dominic woke already up... is past Dominic's bed time now and I get a chance to write some more. :) So, I am excited for him when he can finally move around on his own, because he gets so frustrated now when he tries moving and can't quite succeed yet. On the other hand, I fear the day when he learns crawling as nothing will be safe anymore in the house ... and we haven't childproofed anything yet! Dominic knows how to roll from back to front and from front to back and sometimes he rolls a little - but it's not like I put him somewhere and then a minute later, I find him at the other side of the room.
Whenever I want to place Dominic down on the floor, he doesn't want to sit down but wants to stand - with my help, either holding his hands or holding on to his upper body. Carla, one of his two teachers at the day care, said today, that she was holding on to Dominic's hands and was walking with him. I have to admit ... I don't want to provoke Dominic to walk yet ... not with 7 1/2 months...
Since a few days, Dominic got noticeably more attentive: He takes a much closer look at everything now, our fingers and especially the finger nails, his toys and anything I give him to play with/to look at: the cutting board was so very interesting today! It is not like he doesn't put anything in his mouth anymore (he still loves to chew on everything) - but it takes longer now until it ends up in his mouth! ;)
My sweet little boy is always excited when we get out of the house. He just loves it when we walk to the mailbox and gets really excited when I open it to see if there is anything in there for us. Dominic loves to go shopping with us. His favorite place is in the sling, cuddled close to me. He still doesn't like to be in the stroller for a long time ... every time I try it, he gets fuzzy after a while and finally ends up in the sling. I wonder, if that is ever gonna change...?!
But Dominic seems to be doing fine in the seat of a shopping cart. We tried it several times in the health store - they have nice clean carts and the shopping doesn't take so long. I just got the shopping cart cover that I ordered and am eager to try it out for the grocery shopping. Hope, Dominic will be patiently shopping with me!
It has been two weeks since we started Dominic on Cheerios. First, he didn't know what to do with those tiny little rings and was very skeptical when I put a single Cheerios in his mouth. And then, Dominic tried to grasp the tiny things and wasn't very successful. Maybe he got one in his hands, but it didn't arrive in his mouth - and most of them ended up on the floor. It didn't take long though, maybe two or three days and everything changed, he got really skillful with his little fingers. Somehow he managed it to get the Cheerios in his fist and then into his mouth. Currently, he is working on his pincer grasp. He is getting quite good at it! The Cheerios had a great learning effect! :) 4. Dezember 2007, almost 8 months old
Gestern abend, Montag, hat Dominic leichtes Fieber bekommen - 100 degree Fahrenheit oder 37.8 Grad Celsius - und immer noch kraeftig gehustet. Und heute morgen fing er an sich am rechten Oehrchen zu ziehen, was bei kleinen Kindern bedeuten kann, dass sie Ohrenschmerzen haben. Unser kleiner hatte ja gleich in seiner ersten Lebenswoche eine Ohrenentzuendung. Daher, und weil man so eine Entzuendung als Eltern nicht erkennen kann, habe ich wirklich Angst davor. Noch dazu habe ich seit Sonntag von drei kleinen Jungs im Alter von Dominic erfahren, die gerade eine Ohrenentzuendung haben. Nettans Sohn, Linus, hat genau die gleichen Symptome wie Dominic...! Dr. McGehee, Dominic's Kinderarzt, hat festgestellt, dass mein Kleiner zum Glueck keine Ohrenentzuendung hat, muss aber trotzdem Antibiotika einnehmen wegen seinem Husten, man hoert es richtig rasseln. Der Arzt meinte auch, es richtig gewesen zu kommen. Dominic's Ohren sehen gut aus, aber weil er schon fast zwei Wochen lang eine laufende Nase hat und nun auch noch der belegte Husten dazugekommen ist, waere es besser fuer ihn jetzt Antibiotiqua einzunehmen. Bin froh, dass wir dort waren!
Aber sonst geht es uns gut. Ich wette, Dominic krabbelt uns bald davon - bestimmt bis Weihnachten.
November 6, 2007 - Dominic is 7 months old
Tonight Dominic tried Acorn Squash for dinner and -surprise- he loves it! He couldn't get enough of it! That's the first solid foods, except banana, that he really likes. Sweet potato, pear and rice cereal were not that much of an success...
We just got over a cold, Dominic's first cold. But luckily he had only a little stuffed nose but his parents were really suffering... Klaus isn't over it yet.
We just noticed how much Dominic is changing his looks. We think he doesn't look as much like a baby anymore - more like a little boy. His grand moms agree that he has a lot from his Mommy, including the cow lick above his right eye - but it seems like Dominic has his Daddy's mouth and chin.
Our little one is still on Zantac but his Doc decreased the dosage. During the last few days Dominic had a lot of major spit ups - we are wondering if this is connected.
The last week was rather hard on Dominic as he is getting his four upper front teeth. Dominic is just 7 months old and you can already see and feel the two middle ones but see only white bumps on his gums where the others will be. Poor little one ... he started so early with his teeth (had his first one with 5 months) and doesn't even need them yet. Well, and I had to learn that teething and diarrhea come together for Dominic...
October 25, 2007
Dominic is getting bigger and stronger by the day and is a rather talkative boy. It's just fun to listen to him when he is 'bubbling' away. This is my favorite age with him so far - he is getting a little more independent and I can actually leave the room just quickly without him getting upset. This started since he can sit up on his own. :) Dominic hasn't figured out crawling yet but is rolling very well from one side to the other and moves laying on his back, by pushing with his feet and legs, in the direction of his head - and is upset when he can't get further as the armchair is standing in his way. ;)
He goes to a Mom's Day Out program twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm. At first it was hard for him (and the teachers there) to get used to be in a group and away from Mommy but now Dominic loves to be together with the four other babies and interact with. I really like the facility and have a good feeling about the teachers. It is so nice to see that he is smiling already when I put him there on the play mat and sometimes it is even hard to get his attention back for just a moment to wave Good-bye to him.
According to the measurements at his pediatrician yesterday at Dominic's 6 months check up, he is not that little anymore: He weighs in at 20.5 pounds and is 29 inches tall.
Dominic is almost always smiling when somebody is talking to him (at least as long as he is close to Klaus or me). He is a very social fellow and I hope he will always be like this.
Yesterday I went the second time to a yoga class here at the university. It felt so good to do something for me, just for me, not for my son or for my family. :)
As this is a Thursday morning and Dominic is at the Day Care, I think I should get back to my chores, as it isn't easy to get a lot done with him around. Today, I unpack our fall and winter clothing as it cooled down quite a bit. It's now in the 50s and we need our closed shoes and jackets. The last few days it has been raining hard but it is supposed to get nicer and a lot warmer at the end of the week - they expect us to get back into the 70s or even lower 80s. 18. Oktober 2007
Unser kleiner, hmm grosser, Dominic liebt seinen Bananenbrei! Seit dem Abend vor seinem halbjaehrigen Geburtstag hat er zusaetzlich zur Milch abends pürierte Banane zu sich genommen. Die ersten Abende wollte er nur ganz wenig essen, aber inzwischen kann er gar nicht genug bekommen.
Einziges Problem:
Dominic will sich selbst fuettern!!! Wenn der Löffel mit dem leckeren Brei in Reichweite kommt, dann greift unser Kleiner zu, am liebsten mit beiden Haenden, und will den Löffel auch nicht mehr gerne loslassen. So wird das Füttern ganz schoen 'messy'!
Gestern abend wollten wir ihm etwas Abwechslung bieten und pürierten Avocado. Den Gesichtsausdruck haetten wir fotografieren sollen! ...eine Mischung zwischen Ekel und Enttaeuschung... da wollte Dominic dann lieber gar nichts essen als diesen komischen gruenen Brei. Mal gespannt, wie er heute darauf reagiert - es soll ja manchmal bis zu 13mal dauern, bis sich ein Kind an einen neuen Geschmack gewoehnt hat. Die naechsten Tage koennen wir Dominic leider kein neues Lebens mittel versuchen lassen, denn es gibt eine Regel, die besagt, wenn ein neues Lebensmittel eingefuehrt wird, soll man 4 Tage lang nichts Neues einfuehren, um zu sehen, ob das Baby eine allergische Reaktion entwickelt.
October 11, 2007
Dominic is doing fine. :) He makes great progress and is now sleeping better at night. - As he woke me up pretty much every hour for several nights and I just couldn't take it anymore, we decided that he has to stay in his crib and cry it out when he wakes up during the night. Although it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be (he cried for only 10 minutes every time when he woke up during the first night), we felt so cruel - he just wanted to be with us, to be held by Mommy or Daddy and we did let him cry all alone in his crib just next to our bed...
The following night he woke up only once before 4 am but was crying for 15 or 20 minutes and then not screaming anymore but complaining (it was a lot nicer on our ears but it made us feeling just as bad). And the third night he wasn't crying at all but still complaining when he woke up. Now the only time he wakes up is around 4 am and then I nurse him and he goes back to sleep. He sleeps then calmly in his crib until he decides it's time for us to get up (sometime between 5:30 and 7:30). But his naps during the day seem to be all messed up these days ... He sleeps very lightly and therefore not very long.
The evening before his 6 months birthday we started him on solid foods. At the first feeding he didn't take a lot in of the mashed banana but now he just loves it and finishes almost the complete bowl. What a sight when he has the food all over him!
I met a few nice Moms with little children during the last few weeks. :) We said we would be trying to get together once a week to go for a walk. So, hopefully we will get something started like the 'CW - Walking Moms' around here. Anyway, I hope to have them over for a play date soon.
October 9, 2007 - half a year and a few days
Since last Friday Dominic is having solid foods - kind of solid, it's mashed banana - and he already loves it. This evening he ate almost a complete banana! That's quite a lot - on Friday he was full with only five little spoonfull. 9. Oktober 2007 - ein halbes Jahr und 3 Tage ;)
Dominic sitzt mittlerweile sehr gut - er kann schon eine halbe Stunde alleine sitzen ohne umzufallen. Er kann jetzt ganz anders spielen, da er beide Haende benutzen kann. Heute haben wir unter anderem mit einem Ball gespielt und ihn gerollt - das war etwas ganz Neues fuer ihn. ;) Seit letztem Freitag, einem Tag vor seinem halbjaehrigen Geburtstag, bekommt er abends zusaetzlich zur Milch 'feste' Nahrung gefuettert. Das erste Mal hat er nur wenige Loeffel gewollt, aber inzwischen liebt er den Bananenbrei. Heute abend hatte er fast eine ganze Banane gegessen!
October 2, 2007
Dominic is now almost 6 months old and just during the last few days he has made incredible progress.
He sits upright! So far Dominic used at least one of his hands to support his upper body while sitting but since today he sits even without the help of an arm!
During the last few weeks, he was struggeling to roll from lying on the stomach to the back - but today he did this several times without any problems at all. It wasn't even as if he was proud of it - No, it seemed like it was the most natural thing on earth. Astonishing, since he got frustrated so often when he was lying on his stomach and didn't want to be in that position anymore but just could not change it!
Yesterday Dominic 'made a few steps' towards crawling: He was on his knees in crawling position but his arms couldn't quite hold the weight. So, I supported his upper body (had my hand below his belly) and he was moving forward - maybe 2 feet forward!
Our little one is getting ready to eat solid foods now - he is very interested in every bite that we eat. A few more days and he gets something to eat! 2. Oktober 2007
Am Ende der Woche wird unser kleiner Dominic schon ein halbes Jahr alt. Toll, denn es macht nun richtig viel Spass mit Dominic und gerade die letzten Tage hat er massive Fortschritte gemacht.
Dominic sitzt nun aufrecht! Bisher hat er immer mindestens eine Hand benutzen muessen, um seinen Oberkoerper abzustuetzen und war dann immer noch ziemlich nach vorne gebeugt gesessen. Aber seit heute sitzt er ganz fantastisch aufrecht ohne sich abzustuetzen. :)
Waehrend der letzten Wochen war Dominic sehr oft frustriert gewesen, wenn er am Bauch lag und sich nicht mehr zurueck auf den Ruecken rollen konnte. Heute hat er genau das einige Male ohne Probleme gemacht. Und es sah aus, als waere das fuer ihn das Natuerlichste auf der Welt!
Gestern sah es so aus, als wuerde unser Suesser bald mit dem Krabbeln anfangen (von mir aus darf er sich aber gerne noch viel Zeit damit lassen!): Er war auf seinen Knien und stuetzte sich mit den Haenden am Boden ab. Da die Arme aber noch nachgegeben haben, habe ich seinen Oberkoerper unterstuetzt (meine Hand unter seinen Bauch gehalten) und siehe da, er krabbelte langsam einen halben Meter vorwaerts!!!
Dominic wird nun bald soweit sein, sein erstes Essen zu sich zu nehmen. Er schaut sich jeden Bissen, den wir essen, ganz genau an und moechte am liebsten auch etwas ab haben. Ein paar Tage darfst Du noch warten - ich denke, am Wochenende gibt es dann die ersten Versuche einen Loeffel in den kleinen suessen Mund zu bringen. - Wir haben schon abwaschbare Laetzchen! ;-)
September 19, 2007
Dear Friends,
We are excited to live in our first home!
It is located in a beautiful neighborhood with a lake and lots of shade – perfect to go for a walk with the stroller. Our neighbors are extremely nice – one older couple even welcomed us with a delicious pie! Ruston is a small town – we don’t have any shops in walking distance but everything can be reached by car within 10, 15 minutes. And it takes just 5 minutes to drop off Klaus at the Science and Engineering building on Campus.
There are still so many boxes waiting to be unpacked and shelves to be reassembled but the bunnies and we are slowly settling in. Even though it takes much longer to prepare his lectures than Klaus thought, he enjoys teaching a lot. Sabine already knows a few spouses of LA Tech professors, some even with babies who are only a little older than Dominic, and is looking forward to taking another infant yoga class – this time at the university.
We are very sorry that you might be waiting longer than usual for an answer to your email (it took several days to write this text…). It is almost impossible for Sabine to sit in front of the computer while Dominic is awake and in the evening she needs to go to bed almost as early as he does to get enough sleep since Dominic wakes up currently very often at night – sometimes every hour… It might me because of all the moving that we have done in the last month and/or because of his first teeth (you can see and feel the two lower ones). The last night was a little better and we are hoping his sleeping pattern will improve again. The other exciting news about our little one: Dominic can sit up for a while on his own and is a very happy and smiley baby – as long as no new teeth are coming in.
Best wishes, Sabine, Klaus and Dominic 19. September 2007
Hallo Ihr Lieben!
Wir sind gerade in unser eigenes Haus eingezogen und geniessen nun die Freiheit! Wunderbar ist, dass das gesamte Haus vor unserem Einzug komplett renoviert wurde. Zwar sind die Zimmer nicht unbedingt in unseren Lieblingsfarben gestrichen, aber das koennen wir ja in Angriff nehmen, sobald uns Dominic ein wenig mehr Zeit laesst. Wir wohnen in einer sehr schoenen Nachbarschaft. Die ruhigen, schattigen Strassen und ein See laden zu einem Spaziergang mit dem Kinderwagen ein. Unsere Nachbarn sind sehr nett – ein aelteres Ehepaar direkt neben uns hat uns sogar mit einem selbstgebackenen Kuchen in der Nachbarschaft willkommen geheissen! Ruston ist eine ziemlich kleine Stadt – zwar haben wir keine Geschaefte in der unmittelbaren Naehe, aber mit dem Auto kann man alles in 10 oder 15 Minuten erreichen. Und es dauert gerade mal 5 Minuten, um Klaus an die Uni zu fahren.
Obwohl wir noch unheimlich viel zum Auspacken und Aufbauen haben, leben wir uns so langsam ein. Klaus macht es sehr viel Spass Vorlesungen zu halten, wenngleich die Vorbereitung wesentlich mehr Zeit in Anspruch nimmt als er gedacht hatte. Sabine kennt schon ein paar Frauen mit kleinen Kindern, deren Partner im gleichen Fachbereich arbeiten wie Klaus. Eine ist sogar auch eine Deutsche und ihr Sohn ist gerade mal 3.5 Monate aelter als Dominic!
Es tut uns wirklich sehr leid, dass es zur Zeit so lange dauert eine Email zu beantworten (es hat einige Tage gedauert diesen Text zu schreiben...). Fuer Sabine ist es schlichtweg unmoeglich am Computer zu sein waehrend Dominic wach ist und abends kann sie nicht viel laenger als Dominic aufbleiben, um wenigstens etwas Schlaf zu bekommen, denn Dominic wacht derzeit sehr oft auf – manchmal nachts sogar jede Stunde... Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass wir im letzten Monat so oft die Umgebung gewechselt haben oder/und wegen seiner ersten Zaehne (die zwei unten in der Mitte sind schon da). Die letzte Nacht war ein bisschen entspannter – hoffentlich schlaeft er bald wieder besser! Es gibt aber auch noch richtig nette Neuigkeiten von unserem Kleinen: Dominic kann jetzt schon eine Zeit lang alleine sitzen und ist insgesamt ein sehr glueckliches Baby!
Viele Gruesse von Sabine, Klaus & Dominic